Green design is the international design trend appear in the late of 80 in 20th century。
Green design reflects a culture of modern technology for environmental and ecological damage,but also reflects the designer's return to moral and social responsibility。
In the long history of human design, the human in order to create the modern way of life and living environment , at the same time it accelerated the resources and energy consumption, and make the Earth's ecological balance tremendous damage.In particular, the excessive commercialization of industrial design, encourage people to make the design become an important medium unrestrained consumption, "there are plans to abolish the system of goods" is an extreme manifestation of this phenomenon.No wonder people are called "advertising" and "industrial design" is the culprit in advocating for human consumption, caused a great deal of criticism and censure. It is in this context, the designers had to rethink the responsibilities and role of industrial designers, green design has emerged.Green Design , also known as eco-design , Design for environment , etc., is the use of the product life cycle, types of product-related information (technical information, and the environment of information, economic information), use of parallel design and other
advanced design theory, to design products with advanced technical, harmony with environment, and reasonable economy of a system design.Green design focuses on the ecological balance of relations between man and nature, in the design process, each decision-making environment are fully taken into account the benefits and minimize damage to the environment,In terms of industrial design, green design is the "3R", is Reduce, Recycle and Reuse, not only to minimize material and energy consumption, reduce emissions of harmful substances, products and parts to make it easy to separation and recovery and recycling or reuse.Green design is not only a technical consideration, more importantly is a conceptual change ,require designers to give up too much emphasis on products that maverick approach in appearance, but will focus on real innovation ,In a more responsible approach to the create of product form, with more concise, long-lasting shape to make our products as possible to extend its service life.
Light Pot
Flexible Love
ReGlow Lamp(Shelley Spicuzza)
