1.Designers in the design, not only to focus on design, the design process designers have to find some in common at the point of view with customer, otherwise your work will not be satisfied by customers, aslo you will not feel the work fun, only can feel quarrel with each other endlessly with customer in the design, can only feel the pain!
2、In a person's life, You may very well plan your life, plan what you want to reach in the target, for example, plans when to earn your first million in life? when married? when to have children?
But many times, change is often faster than planned, the reality is do not to have too many plans,you just need to doing well everyday. means hard work every day, and sincere to do, and finally you will find Each stage of your life is meaningful.
3、We all know Designer needs inspiration when they doing design, but Where is the inspiration come from? This will require designers in their life See more、Listen more and Thinking more.
See more
Can give designer a broader perspective.
Listen more
Can give you more advice from many different kind of people.
Thinking more
Can make your mind active at all times .This is a good designer must have.
4、 In the design industry, professional does not necessarily mean good, because when a person from the unprofessional to professional, he may spend a considerable time, this time in his mind, already have a fixed pattern, To do the design this time, creative will be very difficult for him.
In the design,and innovative means unrestrained,But the professional and creative, which is we really need to be , in my opinion this is a complementary.
Designers can not imprison their thoughts and can not no sense of innovation.
5、Less is more
This is a sentence in mantra .
For a philosopher, this sentence is very easy to understand.
This phrase is intended to tell people what to consider not just from one side, sometimes you can thinking from flip side .The results are very different.
One example, a person in the horse race competition. originally he was far ahead,
but did not expect that His horse fell, although he lost the opportunity to be frist and honor,but he discovered a gem where he had fell,so that we are in life, when things happened do not be sad and depressed, change another point of view, sometimes may be obtained completely different results.
6、Each designer has a different design style,This design style is designer Deliberately to culture? Or designer in the design process Naturally formed, different design style may bring designer different inspiration, different design can give people different feeling.
However,there is no way designers are using the same style in the life,so the designers must learn more and more in the design career.
7、Human beings are a social animal, the evolution of human history, all around the environment and community evolution.
The surrounding environment can influence the direction of the evolution of the human brain,for example, when we was young, our mother always told us: play with smart kids, this is a scientific basis, and when we together with smart people , we consider the problem is usually followed their friends way to consider, because you're used to see people thinking useing this way, thus making you feel this way considering the issue should be considered, so life can change our brains.
8、We all know that We must do things carefully, not because you have experience.
And in accordance with the experience to do, experience is important but experience does not apply to any time.
Sometimes, the experience will not bring success to you, on the contrary Experience will make you careless.
Carelessness can cause things to failure,Only things that are suspicious, cautious attitude, Things will not have problems will to be the better.
9、A leap of thinking is very important for a designer
This is an industry design There is no fixed model to follow.
Every successful designer Are all visionaries.
Can be said a leap thinking of the importance of thinking for the designer, is like scissors for tailor,If there is no good tailor scissors can not cut clothes very well.
If the designer does not divergent thinking, it is difficult to design an unexpected product design.
10、Honesty is the community giving the ethics to the people.
Honesty is more important for the designer, the designer honest can Given product design Complete soul,the soul is essential for the design work, good works must have a good soul,only honest designer can design good soul work.
The soul works from designer Not only looks beautiful people can be guide people honest.
So everyone needs an honest,designers also need to be honest.
Sustainable design(task 8.1)
Green design is the international design trend appear in the late of 80 in 20th century。
Green design reflects a culture of modern technology for environmental and ecological damage,but also reflects the designer's return to moral and social responsibility。
In the long history of human design, the human in order to create the modern way of life and living environment , at the same time it accelerated the resources and energy consumption, and make the Earth's ecological balance tremendous damage.In particular, the excessive commercialization of industrial design, encourage people to make the design become an important medium unrestrained consumption, "there are plans to abolish the system of goods" is an extreme manifestation of this phenomenon.No wonder people are called "advertising" and "industrial design" is the culprit in advocating for human consumption, caused a great deal of criticism and censure. It is in this context, the designers had to rethink the responsibilities and role of industrial designers, green design has emerged.Green Design , also known as eco-design , Design for environment , etc., is the use of the product life cycle, types of product-related information (technical information, and the environment of information, economic information), use of parallel design and other
advanced design theory, to design products with advanced technical, harmony with environment, and reasonable economy of a system design.Green design focuses on the ecological balance of relations between man and nature, in the design process, each decision-making environment are fully taken into account the benefits and minimize damage to the environment,In terms of industrial design, green design is the "3R", is Reduce, Recycle and Reuse, not only to minimize material and energy consumption, reduce emissions of harmful substances, products and parts to make it easy to separation and recovery and recycling or reuse.Green design is not only a technical consideration, more importantly is a conceptual change ,require designers to give up too much emphasis on products that maverick approach in appearance, but will focus on real innovation ,In a more responsible approach to the create of product form, with more concise, long-lasting shape to make our products as possible to extend its service life.
Light Pot
Flexible Love
ReGlow Lamp(Shelley Spicuzza)

Advertise...(task 7)
The effect of advertising is: to let more people know your product and attract people's attention, deliver information to play, the effect of marketing communication. Enhance the awareness of goods is an important part of enterprise competition, and advertising is good weapons essential to improve awareness .
Advertising to be honest, to convey pragmatic information of goods。
Good advertising is actually a work art, not only to introduce people to the merchandise, and let people watch the image through the work, appreciation of life caused by a rich association, establish a new concept of consumption and increase the spirit of Enjoy the beauty and subtle art of being, make desire to purchase the product.
In my opinion I think the ad popular, irrespective of younger and older, men and women, it
is necessary to grasp a degree, if over the people will feel uncomfortable, Example, is full of sexual content, violence. not all people can accept.
task 5
Piano StairCase:
In Stockholm’s Odenplan subway station, the staircase has been retrofitted to resemble giant piano keys, which produce real sound, to encourage commuters to climb the stairs rather than ride the escalator.
The World’s Deepest Bin:
Sometimes let people to throw garbage into the garbage barrels is not really an easy task. Is there have a simple and easy and fun way for people to change the habit?
Designers did installation a sensor to detect in a trash can ,if there are trash into the barrels, will be issued to imitate things falling sound from high places , as if it is a "the world's deepest Trash" .
The results of the day, the modified trash collection 72kg of rubbish . more than have not been converted to more 41kg at the same place.
In Stockholm’s Odenplan subway station, the staircase has been retrofitted to resemble giant piano keys, which produce real sound, to encourage commuters to climb the stairs rather than ride the escalator.
The World’s Deepest Bin:
Sometimes let people to throw garbage into the garbage barrels is not really an easy task. Is there have a simple and easy and fun way for people to change the habit?
Designers did installation a sensor to detect in a trash can ,if there are trash into the barrels, will be issued to imitate things falling sound from high places , as if it is a "the world's deepest Trash" .
The results of the day, the modified trash collection 72kg of rubbish . more than have not been converted to more 41kg at the same place.
task 4(starbucks coffee)
Starbucks was set up in 1971 ,It is the world's leading brand of gourmet coffee,headquarters is located in Seattle Washington United States.But it sells more than just great coffee. Business Ethics Magazine has ranked Starbucks as one of the Top 100 . They are committed to buying and serving the highest-quality, responsibly grown, ethically traded coffee to help create a better future for farmers and a more stable climate. Starbucks and Conservation International (CI) have been working together to help farmers grow coffee in a way that's better for both people and the planet.Now they are working together on a new climate change initiative that takes conservation beyond coffee farms to the surrounding landscapes
"We share our customers' commitment to the environment."They are working hard every day on ways to make that goal a reality. (Toward 100% reusable or recyclable cups. )
They are committed to being a good neighbor and to bringing together our partners, our customers and their communities. Their partners are the keepers of their stores.
"When research indicates that coffee-growing regions will be impacted directly by climate change, it's something we take seriously. So we're aggressively pursuing a climate change strategy, including finding ways to minimize our use of energy, water and other resources."
task 3(animated digital media design)
Bud light(BEER)
Citroen C4(CAR)
Honda-The cog(CAR)
In the future,animated digital media design will pursuit the effect of realistic visual.As well as more advanced technologies such as 3D,4D...
task 1(typefaces)
The words is medium and linguistics symbols ,It is useing for transmit information.
POPPOP,the full name is point of purchase.It is usually for shop.(window poster,exhibition panels,price lists and so on.)
POP's form of production has print,hand-painted etc.Their looks like hyperbole,humour,colorful.to attract people's attention.
Their looks lovely,interesting,but their are not seriously.
Two types:
(1)The early gothic (11th to 12th century);
Their are beautiful, magnificent,very power for decorative.the world is long and narrow,close composition.
(1)The early gothic (11th to 12th century);
Their are beautiful, magnificent,very power for decorative.the world is long and narrow,close composition.

A kind of typeface square.Their are clear,strong,simple.
Bank Gothic:Design by Morris Fuller Benton in 1930. Bauhaus was the inspiration for this typeface.
Bioldiversity stamp
The first stamp in the world originate in the United Kingdom , is the Queen Victoria stamps issue of in the may 6 , 1840 . This stamp is the originator of the stamp, this stamp printed in black ink.Denominations is a penny, people called " penny black." the inventor is Rowland hill , Rowland hill is a British , was born in England in 1795. Before the " Penny Black" issue, the United Kingdom did have postal services. But the procedures are very complex and postage is also expensive, the calculation is based of journey distance, and the envelope must extra charge. So when people write letter , almost of them they usually does not use envelope. And postage pay by recipient , because of the postage too expensive the recipient can not afford the postage they often return the letter.
Some people even think of ways to play tricks and mutual agreement some cipher in the top of letter, when they see the cipher of the letter they will be able to guess the contents of the letter, so they can get the massage and does not need to pay postage, as a result , the postman will not able to get the postage ,they often doing free work. As a result Rowland Hill was decided to reform the postal chaos, so Rowland Hill put forward a set of proper approach. Proposed to the government a postage prepaid recommendations. To cope with this system, Rowland Hill proposed post office printed stamps. Face value of one penny for each one, as a prepaid voucher. Postage prepaid by the sender, regardless of journey length in the specified level all fees and charges a penny, stick a stamp on the envelope as a postage-paid label.
As we know there are too many animals plants microbial in the world , this diverse , including animal ,plant, microbial they are forming species diversity and variation of genetic and ecosystem diversity, among them species diversity is the key of biological diversity, it reflects the complex relationship between biological and environment and also embodies the biological resources.
We already know that about 200 million known species, these kinds of biological species constitutes a biological species diversity. Similarly, the relationship between biological diversity to our health and our planet's health. In fact, your health and the health of the planet is the relationship between inseparable. When we are sick, we rely on the natural environment to help us recover.For years, people from the natural world to find treatment for the injury. Plants for modern medicine provides an effective ingredient, such as the production of aspirin component. Homeopathic medicine is also a large number of use of plant components.From the money point of view, the value of medicinal plants can not be settled for. In the world of these plant-based drugs as the total value of approximately 6 100 billion.In some cities, especially in the summer, breathing the air outside is unhealthy.We know that we need to reduce vehicle exhaust pollution, factory air pollution, air pollution from power plants to ensure that modern life. we all know this, but you know that bio-diversity, the environment of the self-cleaning plays what kind of role?Do you know of biological diversity, help clean the air. Trees and other green plants breathe carbon dioxide - this primarily by automobile exhaust and factory emissions of greenhouse gases, and then returned to the natural pure oxygen. Biological diversity is the world's air purifier.All life is inseparable from the water, therefore, biodiversity is also related to water resources. Because we have only limited water, not to say that when our future can be transported from a ship down on mars-biological diversity, unique different ecosystems purify our water forest , soil and bacteria, streams, together with the cloudsoperation- is actually filtering, it allows us to re-drink the water.No biological diversity, the world becomes barren and poisoning - like on Mars - and then we can not exist on Earth in regeneration. Scientific evidence is impossible to refute: the Earth's climate is changing.The whole earth has been a weird thing happened - the death of coral reefs, large-scale landslides, unusual dumping heavy rain days, the continuing drought in some areas.Whether because of industrial emissions cause or causes of natural factors, the world is still coping mechanisms of these phenomena are closely interrelated, from the ecosystem to eco-system between the different life forms.
In my design, in order to reflect the diversity, I have spent a lot of biological images using adhesive means to form a new picture.
In the first stamps I used the image of the shark flowers birds formed a shell In the second stamp, I used the pictures of Panda penguins and frog to formed of a number of eggs.
In the third stamp I used some variety of colors of the flowers become to butterflies, because the flowers and butterflies have very close relationship, as the butterfly's food, flowers and butterflies relationship is inseparable.
In the fourth stamp, I used to some woods squirrel image to form a beautiful color flowers.
In the fifth stamp, I used some pictures of animals and fruit made of a green leaf.
In the sixth stamp, I used the tiger, turtle ,eggs, flowers, baby ,birds picture formed a honeycomb image.With these images are intended to fully reflect the biological diversity.
The main significance of biological diversity is reflected in the value of biodiversity. For humans, biodiversity has a direct use value, indirect use value and potential value.
In short, species diversity is most visible manifestation of biological diversity, is the center of the concept of biological diversity; genetic diversity of biological diversity, the inner form of a species is a unique gene pool, we can say that genetic diversity of each species, of carrier; the diversity of ecosystems, biological diversity is the form of the conservation of biological diversity, the most effective form of protection of ecosystems diversity.
The first stamp in the world originate in the United Kingdom , is the Queen Victoria stamps issue of in the may 6 , 1840 . This stamp is the originator of the stamp, this stamp printed in black ink.Denominations is a penny, people called " penny black." the inventor is Rowland hill , Rowland hill is a British , was born in England in 1795. Before the " Penny Black" issue, the United Kingdom did have postal services. But the procedures are very complex and postage is also expensive, the calculation is based of journey distance, and the envelope must extra charge. So when people write letter , almost of them they usually does not use envelope. And postage pay by recipient , because of the postage too expensive the recipient can not afford the postage they often return the letter.
Some people even think of ways to play tricks and mutual agreement some cipher in the top of letter, when they see the cipher of the letter they will be able to guess the contents of the letter, so they can get the massage and does not need to pay postage, as a result , the postman will not able to get the postage ,they often doing free work. As a result Rowland Hill was decided to reform the postal chaos, so Rowland Hill put forward a set of proper approach. Proposed to the government a postage prepaid recommendations. To cope with this system, Rowland Hill proposed post office printed stamps. Face value of one penny for each one, as a prepaid voucher. Postage prepaid by the sender, regardless of journey length in the specified level all fees and charges a penny, stick a stamp on the envelope as a postage-paid label.
As we know there are too many animals plants microbial in the world , this diverse , including animal ,plant, microbial they are forming species diversity and variation of genetic and ecosystem diversity, among them species diversity is the key of biological diversity, it reflects the complex relationship between biological and environment and also embodies the biological resources.
We already know that about 200 million known species, these kinds of biological species constitutes a biological species diversity. Similarly, the relationship between biological diversity to our health and our planet's health. In fact, your health and the health of the planet is the relationship between inseparable. When we are sick, we rely on the natural environment to help us recover.For years, people from the natural world to find treatment for the injury. Plants for modern medicine provides an effective ingredient, such as the production of aspirin component. Homeopathic medicine is also a large number of use of plant components.From the money point of view, the value of medicinal plants can not be settled for. In the world of these plant-based drugs as the total value of approximately 6 100 billion.In some cities, especially in the summer, breathing the air outside is unhealthy.We know that we need to reduce vehicle exhaust pollution, factory air pollution, air pollution from power plants to ensure that modern life. we all know this, but you know that bio-diversity, the environment of the self-cleaning plays what kind of role?Do you know of biological diversity, help clean the air. Trees and other green plants breathe carbon dioxide - this primarily by automobile exhaust and factory emissions of greenhouse gases, and then returned to the natural pure oxygen. Biological diversity is the world's air purifier.All life is inseparable from the water, therefore, biodiversity is also related to water resources. Because we have only limited water, not to say that when our future can be transported from a ship down on mars-biological diversity, unique different ecosystems purify our water forest , soil and bacteria, streams, together with the cloudsoperation- is actually filtering, it allows us to re-drink the water.No biological diversity, the world becomes barren and poisoning - like on Mars - and then we can not exist on Earth in regeneration. Scientific evidence is impossible to refute: the Earth's climate is changing.The whole earth has been a weird thing happened - the death of coral reefs, large-scale landslides, unusual dumping heavy rain days, the continuing drought in some areas.Whether because of industrial emissions cause or causes of natural factors, the world is still coping mechanisms of these phenomena are closely interrelated, from the ecosystem to eco-system between the different life forms.
In my design, in order to reflect the diversity, I have spent a lot of biological images using adhesive means to form a new picture.
In the first stamps I used the image of the shark flowers birds formed a shell In the second stamp, I used the pictures of Panda penguins and frog to formed of a number of eggs.
In the third stamp I used some variety of colors of the flowers become to butterflies, because the flowers and butterflies have very close relationship, as the butterfly's food, flowers and butterflies relationship is inseparable.
In the fourth stamp, I used to some woods squirrel image to form a beautiful color flowers.
In the fifth stamp, I used some pictures of animals and fruit made of a green leaf.
In the sixth stamp, I used the tiger, turtle ,eggs, flowers, baby ,birds picture formed a honeycomb image.With these images are intended to fully reflect the biological diversity.
The main significance of biological diversity is reflected in the value of biodiversity. For humans, biodiversity has a direct use value, indirect use value and potential value.
In short, species diversity is most visible manifestation of biological diversity, is the center of the concept of biological diversity; genetic diversity of biological diversity, the inner form of a species is a unique gene pool, we can say that genetic diversity of each species, of carrier; the diversity of ecosystems, biological diversity is the form of the conservation of biological diversity, the most effective form of protection of ecosystems diversity.
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